Monday 27 November 2017

                                    The Quran, Supernovae and Iron

In 1954, Fred Hoyle showed that the multiplicity of elements we see all around us, from Hydrogen in water to Oxygen-the life sustaining elixir, from carbon of which our bodies are made from to Iron with which civilizations are built, Gold and Silver for which wars were fought- are all manufactured in Stars. As the popular physicist Carl Sagan said," We are all made from stardust". We and whatever we see around us are all made from stars in the early universe that have been long dead since. So the question is how do these Cosmic factories produce the elements and how did they form a life sustaining planet like ours with flora and fauna and eventually Man?

Production of Elements:


In the core of stars the temperature is so high that Nuclear Fusion takes place. Just to give you an idea, the two bombs that were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were powered by Nuclear Fission- the breaking of a nucleus (147 Tera Joule of energy was released). On the other hand, Nuclear Fusion is the 'making' of a nucleus, fusing nuclei together to form a bigger nucleus. To make is way more difficult and powerful than to break. Lighter elements like Hydrogen and Helium are unstable and at extremely high temperatures (like in a star-core) they fuse together to form heavier elements and this reaction releases an awful load of energy. (Our Sun produces 5x10^23 Horsepower per second, that is enough to melt a bridge of ice 2 miles wide, 1 mile thick and extending the entire way from the earth to the Sun in 1 second). This energy not only gives a star like our Sun, its light and heat, but also keeps the star alive. I like to think of stars like human beings, in a sense that a star through out lives a life of inward-outward struggle for survival. The inward pull of gravity constantly trying to pull it down and the outward being these nuclear reactions that keep it standing against all odds. And this constant struggle makes it shine in the dark night, showing the way to generations of travelers throughout history. So from Hydrogen to Helium, from Helium to Neon and Oxygen, Then Carbon, Magnesium, Silicon, Sulphur, Argon and Calcium.

Quranic arabic is fascinating and sometimes eerie. The word for a Star is Najm (plural:Nujoom) and it linguistically means "parts or something that is in a step by step process". And this is what a star functionally is, it produces elements in parts and step by step they are pushed to the outer layers and eventually released. The entire Stellar lifecycle is a distinct step by step process. This process of fusing lighter elements together to form heavier elements and the release of huge amounts of energy of which some is used to further fuse lighter elements to heavier elements continues till the most stable element in the Universe is produced. An element without which Human Civilization would not be possible, progress, developments, revolutions, upheavals would not be possible. This element that runs in our blood, requires the maximum energy and temperature to fuse is IRON. An element so enigmatic that it lies in the middle of the periodic table and all the elements before it mimic its stability by fusing together and all the elements after it mimic its stability by decaying. The moment Iron is produced in a star, it literally "stops" the Nuclear Fusion that has been going on for millions or even billions of years. I emphasize on the point, that it STOPS the process.

Now the fascinating part

This is exactly what Iron is called in Arabic-Hadeed-The thing that stops or contains. Hadeed comes from the root word "HADDA" which quite literally means" to stop" or "to contain". And that's what it does, first it stops the billion year old nuclear reaction in the star that produced half of the elements in the universe. And because gravity was all along pulling the star down, it finally catches up as there is no outward force after the nuclear reaction stops. Hence, the most catastrophic, cataclysmic event since the Big Bang occurs. In a matter of a few seconds, a million mile across star collapses to a few miles compressing all of the Iron and Nickel particles together. Through a process called Neutron capture, in a few seconds all of the remaining heavier elements in the universe are made.

So Iron first stops the nuclear reaction and when the star implodes under gravity, it contains the core for a few seconds, just enough to form all the heavy elements. So, its baffling how the Quran, a 7th century literature mentions this entire process within a single term "Hadeed". This word holistically defines Iron's most crucial property in the universe. Hadeed- The one that stops (Nuclear fusion in stars) and contains (the star core for multiple neutron capture to form heavy elements).

If this wasn't mind boggling enough, there is a chapter of the Quran named Iron that mentions the peculiar strength this element has. This is Chapter Hadeed. Iron has stable isotopes called Fe-56 and Fe-57, meaning the total umber of protons + nuetrons are either 56 or 57.  Guess what is the number of this chapter in the Quran? "57". And if Fatihah is taken as an Opening and we start counting from Baqarah, then this chapter will be 56. It doesn't stop there, what is the double of 57? 114 right. How many chapters does the Quran have? 114 How many elements does the universe have ? 114

[Some may say 118, but those 4 are not real elements, they are just extra neutrons fired to existing elements, so they stick around for some time and then decay. The consensus is 114 elements]

For centuries Muslim scholars regarded the entire universe as a 'spread out' Quran and now with advancements in astrophysics we can get a grasp of that. The universe with all of it's elements and it's most powerful and stable elements Iron at its midst is like the Quran with all of it's chapters and the Chapter of Iron (hadeed) at its middle. No other chapter is named after an element except for the 57th. In my opinion it is God's way of drawing our attention to the open manifest Quran that lies wide before our eyes (the Universe) and all we as modern muslims have done is just to concentrate and expend all our efforts in understanding the Book Quran, and left the Universe to be understood by Western Science . That was our domain as well and it was just as sacred and sacrosanct as the Mushaf. The book Quran and the universe spread out are both self disclosures of God. And was the underlying motivation behind all of Islamic Philosophy and Science. meaning whichever path you take- scripture and theology or science and observation you will necessarily find God. All roads in the multiverse lead to God!

Supernova in the Quran

Now let's open the Pandora's box of astrophysics in a 7th Century book like Quran. SUPERNOVAE- The most cataclysmic explosions in the universe since the big bang. The amount of energy released is of the order of (10^44 joules or the total output of our Sun in its 10 Billion year lifetime). They seem destructive and violent, but were it not for Supernovae, life wouldn't be possible, in the sense, that stars produce all the elements that the universe is made of including the elements from which our bodies and food are made of. But what will transport and distribute these elements? It takes these crazy cataclysmic events called Supernovae to scatter the elements across the vast universe. Billions of years back, a star exploded and threw out a piece of these elements, which cooled down and then became hospitable for life. This was our Planet-Earth. Now the Quran as fascinating as it is, mentions these stellar explosions in the most dramatic manner. Right before the Chapter of Iron, which mentions how God 'sent down' Iron from the sky (imagine saying that something as heavy as iron was imported from outer space in 622 CE !) there is a chapter called "The Event" (Waqiah). What is the event that happens just before Iron is scattered throughout space? We now know the only event (with a capital E) that happens to a star in it's lifecycle is a SUPERNOVA- The violent death of a star. Look what the verse in Surah Waqiah (The Chapter of the Event) reads:

"No! I take an oath by the time and place of the "Event of a STAR" and Behold! This is a Mighty Oath, if you only had knowledge." (56:75)

This is the only place in the entire Quran when God takes an oath and then reiterates the magnificence and gravity of the oath being taken. For millennia the reason for this peculiar emphasis wasn't understood. This verse was mistakenly understood as meaning the "setting of stars". This is time before telescopes, when the setting and rising of celestial objects were the only phenomena that could be observed. The first Supernova was observed and studied in 1866, while before this they were just regarded as very bright objects in the sky.

Chinese astronomers are the first to record the presence of a bright object in the sky that stayed luminous for eight months in 185 AD, but it wasn't until the Quran was revealed that it could be known that stars also die. That makes the Quran the first valid source on stellar lifecycle in human history. It would take another 1000 years for Fritz Zwicky and Walter Baade to start research on Supernovae.

" (I take an oath) By the star as it collapses (dies)" (53:1)

This verse clearly refers to the collapse of stars under it's own gravity into a Black Hole. This is again significant, because this is the chapter that contains the narrative of the famous Interstellar Travel (ascension) of the Prophet Muhammad to the Parallel Universes.

To place the chapter mentioning a Supernova just before the chapter that mentions the scattering of Iron is no coincidence. The one who has revealed the Quran, knows an awful lot of Astrophysics to do this. If at all one still has a doubt about it being a mere fluke, lets do some math. Lets calculate the probability of the Supernova (Event) Chapter preceding the Iron chapter. There are 114 chapters in the Quran. It has the probability of being in any place among any one of these 114 chapter. Exclude the iron chapter, so its 113. The probability is 1/113= 0.00884 or 0.8%. Almost ZERO probability of randomly being in any place except for this. Keep in mind the entire Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years and was orally transmitted for 25 years. That would just decrease the chances further, proving that it is NO RANDOM COINCIDENCE.

And God knows all things!

Tuesday 31 October 2017

How Quantum Mechanics proves God's Existence?

What makes Quantum Theory so special?
Being one of the most groundbreaking achievements of the 20th Century, so much so that 1/3rd of our economy runs on it, Quantum Mechanics has such counter intuitive and controversial ramifications about the nature of the universe, that even after 100 years of its inception, this theory still remains an enigma for science. For the present discussion, we will just concentrate on only one of its many mind boggling results.
Quantum theory brought something so immaterial as "consciousness" into the realm of physics. Consciousness has remained for centuries a topic of discussion in philosophy, spirituality and theology. Modern science has come a long way, gallantly fighting its many battles, freeing itself from the shackles of religious dogma, to find itself back to square one- Consciousness- the domain of spirituality. Interesting it would be to note, that this enigma of consciousness didn't pop out of neuroscience or any other branch of life sciences. No!
Rather from the foundation of all sciences- Physics. So all of the study of the natural world is summed up in Biology, which in turn rests on Chemistry, as all biological processes are reduced to chemical reactions and then the study of chemical reactions neccessitates the study of atoms, electrons and so on. This is Quantum Physics- the science of the basic building blocks of the universe. So you see 'consciousness' has appeared as an inexplicable enigma from the foundation of the universe and its study. Something so immaterial, subjective, human and life-like like 'consciousness' somehow affects the quantum world- the lifeless, material building blocks of the entire universe. 

Even though Quantum Theory is an extensive branch in itself, I want to concentrate on just one experiment and its startling results-The Double Slit Experiment.

It was first carried out by Thomas Young in 1801 by passing light through two adjacent slits, an interference pattern was observed- which is a property of waves. Previously it was understood that light is made up of small particles.But now the wave theory was put forward.This was until 1905 when Einstein published his paper on the Photoelectric Effect that showed that light behaved as particles experimentally. So what is light? Wave or particle. It was shown that it is both. It has a dual nature of behaving as wave and particle. Notice here that a particle is the opposite of a wave. A wave is spread out, where as a particle occupies a specific place.We cannot measure the extent of a wave, but a particle can be measured, its size, mass etc. So one phenomenon like 'light' has two opposing characteristics. But now the question arises, "when" does it behave as a particle and when as a wave?

Light is weird, but what about Matter?

Before this question could be answered, the same experiment "Double Slit" was done, but this time with matter, the stuff from which the universe including us, is made. Electrons, the basic building blocks of matter were shot through two slits and guess what?!? The same interference pattern was observed .What does that mean? Electrons are also waves ! This was shocking. Come to think of it, you and I and everything else in the world doesn't look anythink like spread out waves. Everything seems to occupy some specific space, has mass and is everything BUT a 'wave'. Our intuition tells us when we look at any object, this must be made of very tiny particles clubbed together to give it this shape and size. The last thing that we can imagine is that the fundamental particles of the universe are not particles for the most time at all, rather they are spooky spread out waves ! Then the million Dollar question is what gives it this feel/touch/look of solid matter when it is a wave at its elementary quantum level? Hold on, the experiment is'nt over yet!
The scientists then put a measuring device or simply decided to make an observation of the electron being shot at the double slit screen. And guess what? The electron went back to behaving as a particle. It didn't create the interference pattern that waves produce, on passing through the slits. So what can we infer?
The simple act of conscious observation made the electron which was acting as a wave to behave as a particle. The enigmatic CONSCIOUSNESS affects the material world at its deep fundamental level. It's strange how can my conscious observation of something change it from being an ethereal wave of possibilities (where an electron can be at any location, all at the same time) to appering as a particle that occupies a particular place. So basically, when I am not looking at it, it's weird, but the moment I look at it, it goes back to being normal. So now we need to deal with two things:
1. The Quantum world, the world of the very small that makes up everything, including us IS VERY WEIRD.
2. What has my Consciousness got to do with the universe at its fundamental level?
This experiment has been repeated countless times and each time it brings about the same results . It has baffled the greatest minds in science. Einstein was really bothered by it and said, " I would like to think the moon is still there, even when I am not looking."
Quantum Mechanics postulates that the universe at the quantum level is "probabilistic" in nature. Meaning an electron can be here, and there and everywhere, having a probability of being at different locations all at the same time. It is only by means of conscious observation that it occupies a definite place and it appears the way it is. This probabilistic nature of Reality also bothered the greatest minds. Einstein remarked on this, "God does not play dice". To which Niels Bohr, one of the founding fathers of Quantum Theory replied, "Einstein should stop telling God what to do".

So how does this all prove the existance of God?

By God, I do not mean an anthropomorphic conception of God like an old bearded man sitting on a throne and running the universe. Quantum Mechanics posits the existance of a Conscious Being who by conscious observation sustains the entire cosmos and all its dynamic processes. When we say that the quantum world and all its phenomena are somehow wired to "consciousness", then we need to know that there are quantum processes going on in the universe at each and every moment. Even if we for simplicity sake say, that the collective human consciousness accounts for the "collapse of the wave function" with regards to all the quantum phenomena on earth. This collective consciousness transforms the world from waves of probability to solid reality that makes sense. What about the deep recesses of the planet- ocean beds, uninhabited forest, islands? Ok what about the solar system? what about the Milky way? What about the entire Universe? We occupy a very insignificant portion of a vast expanding universe. Quantum phenomena are taking place everywhere in the universe, in the cores of stars nuclear fusion fuses lighter elements into heavier elements. Quantum processes occur all around Black Holes, Nuetron stars etc. Infact, Black holes are the special places where both Quantum mechanics and Gravity play a combined role- a much sought after reconciliation. What 'consciousness' is at play at these remote corners of the universe. Places where the most violent explosions ever since the Big Bang are taking place- Supernovae- stars exploding when Iron atoms start being produced. This is again a Quantum phenomena and the question is what 'consciousness' is ever observant of these dangerous events in the far reaches of our Universe? An important point to understand is that none of these quantum, nuclear, chemical, even biological processes can occur when matter is just a 'wave of possibilities'. All these phenomena occur when the wave function collapses- meaning wave turn into particle. And this occurs on conscious observation. So who or what is this perpetual consciousness that is sustaining these cosmic phenomena?
Talk about the beginning of the Universe- the Big Bang- when the entire universe is smaller than an atom. Quantum phenomena of high energy photons colliding to form a pair of particle and anti-particle that annihilate each other. What is this Cosmic Consciousness that is present at the beginning of time itself? Or rather who is this Cosmic Consciousness? Because just like in our own case, we are conscious beings collapsing wave functions everywhere around us, but the very first thing that we are conscious of is our own selves. Hence this Cosmic Consciousness is self conscious to start with- a Conscious Being. So similarly this conscious Being present at the beginning of time is also observing the present expansion of the universe where quantum phenomena occur at the Horizon of the universe. According to a new theory, 'space is in itself emerging from quantum phenomena called Quantum Entanglement. So there you have it, a Conscious Being at the beginning of the universe, observing the accelerated expansion of the universe and all the processes in between, formation of nebulae, stars, black holes, galaxies, planets, life, uptil the universe reaches thermal equilibrium-meaning it's death. And then the whole process repeats itself, the universe again shrinks to a point smaller than an atom. All these quantum phenomena, who is the Conscious Being observing these?
So we see that this Cosmic Consciousness or Absolute Consciousness is present and observing all things, everything, everywhere, everytime. Because of the necessity of using language to put forward my point, this Cosmic Consciousness who is self aware is called God in English, Allah in Arabic. This qualitative definition clearly throws out of the window every type of anthropomorphic picture of God in our minds, so Jesus-the man doesn't fit this description, the old man with a white beard in Michelangelo's artwork doesn't fit this, Hindu Dieties don't fit. Because consciousness cannot be represented in a picture. Whatever conception of God we all may have, God is unlike that. As the Islamic axiom in this regards goes, "The inability to comprehend God is in fact true comprehension.".
Two of the names of God in the Quran are Shaheed- The Ever Observing One and Baseer- The All Seeing One. Only language can be used to represent consciousness. God says repeatedly in the Quran
"And He is of all things observant" (Surah Buruj 85:10)
Conclusion: Quantum Mechanics necessitates the existance of a Cosmic Consciousness who is:
1. Self Aware
2. Existed before the Big Bang
3. Will exist after the death of the universe
4. All the cosmic, geological, biological phenomena occur because there is 'someone' constantly observing them.
The universe wouldn't exist had it not been for this Absolute Consciousness- The Shaheed, The Baseer.
Now since we have proved the existance of a Conscious Being behind the whole of existence, then 'purpose' can never be dissociated from conscious beings. Hence the Universe has a purpose. The conscious beings who evolved after billions of years just to figure out this basic mechanism of the Universe necessarily will have the biggest share in this 'purpose' because they share this big similarity with the Absolute Consciousness. How do conscious beings communicate their 'purpose' to others for its fulfillment? Through language, art carried by other conscious beings from generation to generation. Hence, Divine scriptures, Messengers are a requirement for the Cosmic Consciousness to fulfill His cosmic purpose.

Monday 2 January 2017

Hikam of Ibn Ataillah (rh)

                           Hikam of Ibn Ataillah (RH)

These are beautiful Aphorisms and wise statements penned by one of the most brilliant scholars of our glorious past Ibn Ataillah Al Iskandari (rh).

You can download the whole booklet which is translated by Aisha bewley from this link below:

Watch Dr Umar AbdAllah's class on the Hikam:

Watch Shaheed Shaykh Al bouti's class on the Hikam:

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Announcement and Request !

A year back i started working for a one of a kind organization called KN-OW | Knowledge Network Ongoing Wisdom. We at KN-OW vision a better tomorrow, a life with "Clarity about Reality", solutions for the rapidly changing world around us.

Alhamdulillah, we have thousands of subscribers from over 100 countries, working with over 35 well renowned scholars and experts. God says "Whoever helps and recommends a good cause becomes as partner there in"(Quran 4;85)
Support us in our effort to develop a dynamic online portal this year, and take our work forward.CLICK THIS LINK TO SUPPORT US:
Recommend and share with your friends.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Did the 'Banks' destroy Kashmir ?

                              ALLAH’S WAR ON KASHMIR:
                               September    SEPTEMBER 2014
          Did the “banks” bring this on us?
Over 25 years of militancy and political unrest could not wreak such havoc as the fateful morning of 7th September did. As if life came to a standstill. This day will go down in our history as the day Kashmir witnessed the Lord’s wrath!

The papers, social media, living room conversations have been saturated with details of the catastrophe. From the colossal property damage to the apathetic disaster (mis)management of the State. From the negligence of authorities to the appalling urbanization of flood channels. Sprinkle this with some “yeh hamare gunnah hain” and the few mystical dreams anticipating the flood and fiery khutbahs warning of some more. Oh yes! Don’t forget the politicizing of the flood; NC Vs PDP and BJP Vs Congress. Let’s ask the River Jehlum to vote this time, shall we!

But amidst all this, there is a silent spectator, sitting quietly on the side, shying away from the limelight. Distributing relief, here and there. Pushing it so far as giving some grace period to certain clients, but, behold! Shylock wants his ‘pound of flesh’, come rain or sun!
There are two methods to find out, who had the biggest share in bringing this doom on us:


In the last and the most crucial revelation to the Prophet (saw), just after the Final pilgrimage, Allah declares a “WAR” against the Banking system (harb minnAllahi wa Rasoolihi). In the entire Quran you don’t see Allah Most High declaring an open war on any other crime. The Prophet (saw) warned in a hadith when his Ummah will have fifteen traits, one of which was riba, it will be inflicted with natural disasters like earthquakes, red winds and calamities from the sky. Riba is even worse than incest with ones mother and it is one of the signs of the Last Hour. The kashmiri society is drenched in the banking system. From roads to buildings, from cars to even ‘masaajid’. The bank will also give you a loan for hajj. Even Abu jahl wouldn’t accept that. The shrine of Shaykh Mir Sayyid Yaqoub (rh) in Sonwar shares an ATM in its premises. The Torah reports of an incident when Jesus (pbuh) learnt of what the bankers were doing inside the Mosque of Jerusalem, he overturned their tables and drove them out like dogs. In the Caliphate of Umar (ra), there was a minor earthquake in Medina, immediately the Caliph gathered the people and reprimanded them as follows;” O people correct your misdeeds, If there is another earthquake, I will not stay here with you.”. Natural calamities were always taken as a serious wakeup call by the previoprevious generations. But what is interesting is that post-flood Srinagar looks very similar to post American invasion Baghdad. For people of insight, the flood was nothing short of Allah’s war unleashed on us. Water-the elixir of life is also a soldier of Allah. It did such damage that even the Indian army would not compete with it.


We like it or we don’t, we live in the Himalayas. For decades now geologists have expressed worry over the weakening of the Himalayan Wall. A flood is categorized as an ecological turbulence. Either the clouds rain more than they are supposed to or the earth cannot absorb what it used to. Breaching of the banks is the aftermath. Global warming, scientists warn, could melt up the Arctic circle, bringing something similar to Noah’s Deluge. The Green House effect causes a complete disruption of the climate, weakening of glaciers, level rise in rivers, warmer climate and increased precipitation. Deforestation is the major factor for surface water run-off. The land can’t soak up the water, causing run-off and accumulation in low lying urban areas. All of these phenomena stem from Fossil Fueled over industrialization, car emissions and unaccounted urbanization. Even a 4th class student knows that. But wait! Before you assume I am against ‘technology’. No! This wouldn’t be the case if renewable non polluting energy was used.
Now comes the nice part!
The industrial Revolution, for sure did take a toll on the environment, but the Interest based Banking system conveniently put a dagger in the environment’s chest. When the banks deployed Expansion of Credit (The Ring in Adam Smith’s words)- which is a bank loaning out more money than it possesses, there was a sky rocketing upsurge in car sales and business finances. Compare the traffic pre-J&K Bank 
low interest car finance to the traffic three days before the flood, you’ll get your answer. Now couple this with something known as the Petrodollar. All paper currencies are backed by the USD and the USD is stabilized by oil sales. Did you ever wonder why oil prices are always on a rise? Also the technology in every field is ever evolving; smart phones, tablets, talking shoes, satellite wifi- but the same old 18th century petrol/diesel engine remains! If people turn towards renewable energy and away from oil, the entire US economy and with it the whole system of Paper currency will tumble down like a house of cards. Oops! Lagarde, it’s not a secret anymore.

Now the curtain opener! All of this jingo- expansion of credit, petrodollar, inflation, money losing its buying power, hence hooking people to bank loans, is only possible with PAPER. What you hold in your hand (newspaper) is also paper but it’s worth Rs3, other papers are worth thousands. Who gave them this magical power? Because paper money has no intrinsic value and paper and ink are available in an unlimited supply, and since 1943 it is not backed by gold (real money), banks like magicians can produce (print) as much money as they like (they call it a budget). The more they loan, the more cars there are, the crazy traffic, mass industrialization, more pollution, global warming, ecological imbalance, calamities like floods, earthquakes, sink holes, acid rains, drought and famines.

Hence we need to call a spade a spade. As responsible individuals, Muslims or morally alive people we need to call the banking system to account. Allah and His Messenger (saw) have cursed it and everyone involved in it. He (saw) referred to it being even worse than Zina! Imagine that’s how grave the sin is. There is not an evil in the world- from wars to pornography, from destitution to oppressive governments- that cannot be attributed to Banking. If we want our children to live in a prosperous and free Kashmir, we need to eradicate this cancer right here, right now. Kashmir witnessed a revolution in the 14th century when our ancestors flocked towards the Truth (Islam). They dusted off the filth of tradition and a class divided society. Today we are at the same crossroads that early kashmiris found themselves in.
 Are we secular individuals or are we Muslims? If secularism is what we choose for ourselves, then the model of a full bloom liberal society is before us in the form of the United States. Hence, we should be well prepared when our young boys carrying guns in kindergarten mow down their own fellow classmates, because of what Assassin’s Creed has indoctrinated them with. Or when our young girls post nude pictures of themselves just to get a like from a stranger on the internet. A secular capitalist society that gave its reigns to the bankers has no option but to get imprisoned in a banker’s cage. A perfect example was US in 2008, when the American working class was brought on its knees with mass foreclosures. People who yesterday were living in luxury homes were thrown out on the streets just because they couldn’t pay the mortgage of their houses and cars. Cases of people committing minor crimes just to avail the free medical facilities in jail, is a common phenomenon. So that’s the bright shining model of a “modern” “developed” society for you.
Now for those who say, we are Muslims. Then for 14 centuries Muslims followed a consolidated socio-economic model based on equity, free and fair trade and money with intrinsic value. Just because the maulavis in the Masjids do not talk about it, doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. I see a small class of Kashmiri youth emerging, who are modern in their education, at the same time religiously inclined and not naïve and gullible. They do not belong to the “Trinity” namely-Azaadi, Political parties or Pakistan. Their vision resembles that of our forefathers who followed the likes of Shaykh Sayyid Ali Hamdani, Shaykh Hamza Makhdoomi, Shaykh Noorudin and others (RH). After removing the shackles of pagan worship, inequality and caste divisions , all our predecessors wanted was for Islam to prevail. And it did, and so did they. They prospered because they understood prosperity is not in the hands of the bankers. It belongs to Allah and He gives it to whomsoever He wishes!

Saturday 15 March 2014

The Day it all ends !

I still remember listening to the recitation of this ayat sometime back. I was making tea for myself with my mp3 in my ears playing Surah Yunus. Even though I may have heard it before, but this time it had an impact like never before. I stopped. I played it again. I stopped again to play it. Just to make sure I understood it right.
And it was as I thought. Here was Allah Most High actually conveying to us the timeframe of the destruction of Humanity. Yes we all know the exact Day is known to none except for Him. But my Lord in this ayat declares that “The End” will occur when humanity will perceive that it has reached its zenith. A station much above the successes of any civilization in the entire historical process.
So let us read what the ayat says,
The example of this worldly life is like the rain which We have sent down from the sky that the plants of the earth absorb-from which human beings and animals eat- until, when the earth has taken on its adornment and is beautified and its people suppose that they have capability over it, there comes to it Our Command by night or by day, and We make it as a harvest, as if it had not flourished yesterday.” (10:24)
This is by far one of the most profound ayat in the whole Quran amongst many others. Allah has summed up the life of humanity in one sentence. The similitude of this worldly life is like the rain which after merging with the plant life sustains the entire humanity and animal kingdom. Notice here that the thing which sustains the entire planet is not something which is within the peripheries of human control, but rather something which comes from “above”. Water has very interesting usage in the Quran, sometimes it’s used to symbolize “revelation”, sometimes “life of this world”, sometimes ”imaan (faith)” and sometimes “knowledge”. All of which have been important provisions of the human beings worldly sojourn.
Then Allah Most High says that after the earth and everything on it has come alive, the earth takes on its garb of beauty and adornment. This is when the worldly life becomes beautiful. This is progress, civilization, development. The earth now is glittering with glamour like never before. After all we are the ones who can make deserts into green gardens. We are the ones who can build buildings that touch the clouds. Are we not the ones who can change the night into a bright day. Are we not the ones who can increase agricultural produce ten times inside our labs? Certainly we are the ones who after showing deep ingratitude to the Creator, can alter anything that He made from facial features to DNA composition to even gender. Allahu Akbar!
Precisely now the human being assumes, I’m completely independent. I don’t need God or spirituality. I’m self sufficient. Religion and Hereafter were for people who didn’t live in a Progressive Modern Age like me. A control system for the primitive, but now it is ME who is in power.
When this happens, it is then that you must await the End.
“..there comes to it (the world) Our command by night or by day, and We make it as a harvest, as if IT HAD NOT FLOURISHED YESTERDAY.”

This warning is reiterated in various surahs of the Quran. From Surah Kahf where its mentioned thrice to Surah Qalam with the parable of the beautiful garden. In various sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) we are told that in the Age of Dajjal the earth is going to beautify itself. Treasures will follow him and various scientific achievements from the aircraft to the space shuttle can be attributed to the False Messiah from Hadith analysis.
Is it not time for the wise minds to ponder and reflect over the reality of what the Modern world pushes as “progress” or “development”? Does it have any substance or is it the Frankenstein’s monster ready to annihilate the one who created and took pride in it. After all, the reality on ground is that urbanization has displaced scores of people, industrialization has stabbed the environment, GM food poisons the food chain, Capitalism has lead to the radical impoverishment of society modern lifestyle has lead to a growing rate of depression, cosmetic surgeries are a cause of further discontent and objectification of women, the debt based global economic system has entire countries burdened with debt and liberal democracy! Well, let’s not dwell into whether that is an actual term or just a euphuism for a totalitarian corporatocracy!
A closer look at the disparity between “appearance” and “reality” should be sufficient to tell us that this is nothing but the “Amr (Command)” of Allah manifest. It is a system that is crumbling to bits and shaking in its very foundations, environmentally, socially, politically, economically.
And if there is anything that we can be sure of, it is that even if the human being reached the deepest recesses of the Universe, still he is within the vast dominion of his Creator, never free of need, never independent. But who will understand that? The ayat ends with,
Thus do We explain in detail the signs for a “people who give thought”.(10:24)

Saturday 8 February 2014

Dajjal the False messiah and Super Powers.

I always used to think as a child whilst studying history in school, how did an Island so small and obscure like Britain become a superpower, a great empire. Lurking in the Dark Ages, no mention of Europe in the glorious civilizations of the East. How did they suddenly rise up with their scientific and industrial revolutions to take over the world.  

No one could give me a substantial answer. 

I was 19 and i grew up to become religious and still i wondered "how come Allah and His Messenger (saw) didnt warn us about another power, another civilization that would emerge in the West, like a new sun that rose from the West, completely godless and corrupt, but yet controlling the worlds resources. No muslim scholar gave me a substantial answer. Usually they didnt have much knowledge about World history. 

Until one day by the grace of my Lord i read the subject of Dajjal the False messiah and how the island mentioned in Tamim Ad Dari's hadith is Britain. It was Dajjal who made Britain a ruling state two centuries back. That being what the Messenger (saw) called "a day like a year". And without doubt it is Dajjal the False Messiah who made USA a superpower and a global empire since World War 2 . The Messenger (saw) called it "a day like a month". And very soon a day like a week will begin when the state of Israel establishes global dominion over the world. Want proof for this ? 

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